Friday, June 27, 2008


Can you hear the music in my head? Just a little Ohio Players to celebrate round two of the fire photos. I didn't have enough time to complete the shoot with my daughter so I'll post that set after we find some time to reshoot.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back to Basics

I found a north facing window with some beautiful light, just what I needed to inspire a few of my little one and her ever lightening blue eyes.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I attempted some shots of Trav with the kiddos this afternoon and was very disappointed when they came out really soft. They aren't technically perfect but there were some really sweet shots so I'm keeping them but we'll try again later on this week. Practice makes perfect, I hope!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Branching Out

My creativity has been a bit squelched in the past couple of days because the gigantic window of natural light that I have been using is going away in favor of a covered porch and the light is officially gone. In the meantime I am branching out and trying new locations/lighting options. Can you even say that someone is branching out when they are only just getting started?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brand Spankin' New (a month later)

I have really wanted to capture some sweet brand new baby photos since I have a brand new baby at my disposal 24/7 but have been totally unsuccessful. For some reason my babies don't like to be curled up in cute little snuggly new baby balls, they like to stretch out in awkward 'caught in a spiderweb' like poses. I've had 6 "sessions" with my baby girl in the past 5 weeks and no photos to show for it until tonight.....look at that squishy cheek!
The original of this one includes her name embroidered on the hat in hot pink swirly letters but I took it out to keep her name off of the 'net. I love that sweet yawn!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baby Blues

In case you haven't ever seen the BITB syndrome in action, keep checking back because it is definitely in high gear!

I just had my first non-family member photo shoot yesterday with the most beautiful baby girl you have ever seen. I am still drooling with jealousy over her gorgeous eyelashes and baby blues. Yummy. I am working my way through the 600+ photos that I took but here is a sneak peak for you (and for her dad, too).