Saturday, May 31, 2008

Trash the Dress

As a web designer I am used to people from opposite ends of the spectrum voicing their opinions of my work. It isn't always fun because you usually only hear from people when they are unhappy with a product and while I am happy with the work that I provide (and thankfully so is my employer), let's just say that my complaint file is much larger than my "job well done" file.

Photography, on the other hand, has been fairly rewarding thus far because the only subjects I have photographed have been my kids which means the only person I have to impress is me. But, I know that I will never grow until I branch out and try new things and that only photographing my kids will only make my son turn and run away from the camera that much faster than he already is.

Fortunately my sister, who doesn't have a shy bone in her body, graciously offered to be my first willing subject and even brought a dress! In case you haven't heard of the latest photography phenomenon nicknamed, "Trash the Dress" let me give you a sneak peek. As always, constructive criticism is appreciated.


Ever since I was a little girl I have been teased for having a chronic case of "Bee in the Bonnet". While I know that my tendency to have extreme tunnel vision can really annoy the people close to me, I have to admit that it has served as a driving force behind some of the most adventurous things I've ever tried. Learning about photography is the latest "bee" in my bonnet.

I'm not here to pretend that I am a professional, even an amateur, I am here because I want to learn to capture all of the sweet and wonderful moments of my life in the best way possible. I blog so that my friends and loved ones can share in my adventure, offer advice and help me grow in my quest to capture those moments. Please don't hesitate to help me on this journey by telling me what you really think and how I can improve; I'll love you even more for the honesty.